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Standard size: 100*100cm,100*150cm,100*200cm,100*300cm,150cm*300cm Thickness from 1mm up to 100mm.accept customized size. Color: customized Pantone color EVA foam sheets are an excellent choice for packaging due to their versatility, cushioning properties, and ease of customization. Here are some reasons why EVA foam sheets are well-suited for packaging: Шок апсорпција: EVA foam has exceptional shock absorption properties, making it effective in protecting

Предности Ева фоам плоча за ваше пројекте

Предности Ева фоам плоча за ваше пројекте

If you’re looking for a versatile material for your DIY projects, look no further than Eva foam sheets. Eva foam, also known as ethylene-vinyl acetate, is a durable and flexible material that has gained popularity in various industries. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Eva foam sheets and why they are a great choice for your next

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Еколошки прихватљива плоча од рециклиране ЕВА пене доброг квалитета

Product Description EVA(Ethylene Vinyl Acetate)EVA foam has the advantage of water-proof, moisture-proof, shock-proof, sound-proof,insulation, heat preservation, recyclable, good impact resistant, etc, also owns good chemical resistance.We produce eva foam with different hardness,colors and thickness it can be widely used for packaging, craft work,floor mats, insulation and instruction etc. Products Specifications Material: EVA Size: 1mx3m (or custom size) Color: Black/white /cutomized) Thickness: …



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